About NCC
WELCOME TO THE NCC UNIT NCC DIRECTORATE WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM COY – 05, KOLKATA – B Sovarani Memorial College Unit 2 Bengal BN NCC “Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudra Prachodayat”-VEDA
The NCC (National Cadet Corps) is the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces. It is a estimable tri services voluntary (The Army, The Navy and The Air Force) organization with motto of ‘Unity and Discipline’ it aims at developing character, discipline, a secular outlook, a spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service. National Cadet Corps has huge potential for country building with a feeling of Duty, Commitment, Dedication, Discipline and Moral Values. MOTTO AND AIM
The motto of NCC is ‘Unity and Discipline’ which was adopted on 23 Dec. 1957. The NCC also provides an environment conductive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces. VISION
Empower volunteer youth to become potential leaders and responsible citizens of the country. MISSION
To develop leadership and character qualities, mould discipline and nurture social integration and cohesion through multi-faceted programs conducted in a military environment. VALUES
One of the remote villages in the district of Howrah is Jagatballavpur. with the objectives of being true humane as well as getting a source of livelihood to materialize their dream of achieving their goal and for the sake of dedicating their life to serve mother India, the Students of the neighbouring villages get admitted to our college and NCC unit. NCC unit is the part of social voluntary service in the largest Army Section under Ministry of Defence Govt. of India. Being inspired with the principle “Selfless service is the highest religion” and to establish this among the human society NCC unit of Sovarani Memorial college was established in 2003 under Fort William, Kolkata. The then CTO, Prof. Lolita Ghoshal had shouldered the responsibility of NCC and very skillfully performed her duty. After that, the lieutenant, prof. Dr. Susanta Kr. Mridha, has discharged his duty as ANO with too much credit for a longer period from 2005-2021. After his retirement ,the charge of the NCC has been handed over to Prof. Goutam Mishra, CTO. At present this unit not only discharges duty of social responsibility but also has given many brave hearts of Mother India ; many cadets are in service of the different parts of India. The NCC Cadets (Army Wing) of our college get a chance to participate in various prestigious camps like Republic Day Camp, Chief Ministers Rally Camp, Youth Exchange Programme, Annual Training Camp, Shooting Camp. The Cadets undergo various activities like academic classes, physical training, drill, personality development and other soft skills sessions. The cadets attend two Annual Training Camps for being eligible to appear for the NCC ‘B’ and ‘C’ Certificates. ![]() ......................................................................................................................................Chat PujaCommunity services for Crowd management, and Law & Order maintanace during various festivals Invite your Band & Dance group to join festival program:Download ![]() Durga Puja Kolkata police help in Traffic controlCommunity services for Crowd management, and Law & Order maintanace during various festivals
Vijaya Sammilani Programme 2023Community services for Crowd management, and Law & Order maintanace during various festivals Durgapuja festival Domjur.Howrah.” ![]() Skill Development & Placement ProgrammeSkill Development & Placement Programme On 11/10/2023 ![]() ![]() Plantation ProgrammePlantation Programme on 11/10/2023 at College Premises ![]() ![]() 9th International YOGA day celebration9th International YOGA day celebration by NCC cadets on 21st June 2023. ![]() Felicitation of Indian Army & Tree Plantation Programme (6th August.2023)Rahimpur Nabarun Sangha. Reg.No. S0222434. Hoogly.In Collaboration With 2(B)BN NCC Sovarani Memorial College. Howrah. Felicitation of Indian Army & Tree Plantation Programme (6th August.2023 ![]() Subedar Major Swapan Kumar Das. Army Wings. India Subedar Master Srikanta Banerjee.Army Wings. India. Celebration of Independence Day By NCC and NSSHAR GHAR TIRANGA, 76 Independence Day. 2023![]() West Bengal State AIDS Prevention and Control Society5km RED RUN ![]() Swachh Survekshan SS -2023 on 30.09.2023![]() INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2024
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